INPAD - Participatory Design in Schools: Development of an innovative methodology for public space design in and around schools

The INPAD project aims to test the design and practice of an innovative methodology for participatory design in schools for the design of public space in and around schools, towards a more complex and long-term involvement of diverse and heterogeneous stakeholders from across the school community in the strategic and management processes of public space design, through larger "ecologies" of social and technological transformation.
The specific objectives of the project are to:
develop the concept of Participatory Design for school education, focusing on the planning and design of a strategic and management process for the design of public space (in and around schools).
provide high quality tools and instruments for Participatory Design in schools.
encourage the whole community (teachers, pupils, parents, local authorities) to become aware of the importance of Participatory Design of public space.
disseminate the concept of Participatory Design in the community, involving key actors.
See more at:
Greece, France, Spain, Belgium
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
[Grant Agreement 2020-1-FR01-KA201-079871]
Project management
Giorgos Velegrakis
Project team
Giorgos Velegrakis
Giouli Athousaki
Danai Liodaki
Maria Pigaki
Eleni Mougiakou