We are even more excited about #designcampus, an inspiring project that we will present together with our partners from LUDD. This is a participatory design project that aims to create a centre for urban sustainability in the city.
OASIS, former camping
Free entrance
13:15 - 15:00 Session E: Sustainable Innovation
More specifically, it is a discussion on the development of innovative ideas - answers to the specific problems of the region, aiming at the transition to a new model of development. A presentation of innovation actions of the Capital of Culture and important representatives of the region's industry, on sustainable construction, recycling of materials, participatory design, sustainable urban development in general, and innovative cultural products. New ways of coexistence that are environmentally friendly (#eco_art, #symposia, #homemade_music, #picnic_oasis), which inspire idiosyncratic collective artistic projects, where ecological awareness and love of place meet.